What's on the Menu?

Post date: Apr 26, 2014 2:38:47 PM

Nothing much, but learning the serial commands was a pain in the butt. I was convinced I had to debounce the keys, until it dawned on me that I was looking for momentary input, so I only had to delay input after the first edge to slow the interface down (duh!).

The photos below show the rudimentary menus. The first is a simple list menu. Select the item you want and it displays it in reverse text. Up/down on the 5-way moves the choice. Center switch enters the selection.

The second is a simple color selction set of sliders. The selected slider is outlined in yellow. Left/right selects the intensity of the selected LED. Up/down selects the color. Center is only active when "return" is selected.

The third is the metronome page. Up/down for menu selection. Left/right to raise or lower the tempo. Tempo is in beats per minute. It's based on timer 2 and I'm using an small interrupt service routine to make a click on the speaker. It only takes effect when "set" is selected.